the software we use
An investment manager can often be compared to a duck; cool and calm on the surface while their
feet are working frantically under the surface to stay afloat. At Street Ninety Nine, we wanted our
investment managers to feel cool and calm under the surface as well. That’s why we use the top rated software in the property industry.

PropertyMe is a cloud property management software that is trusted by thousands of property managers across Australia. It takes care of all the small, time consuming tasks so our investment managers can get back to the important things – taking care of you and your most important asset.

You never have to worry about our investment managers using outdated forms for your property. With Realworks, forms are regularly updated to comply with Queensland legislation. Not only that, using Realworks saves our investment managers time by not only being ridiculously easy to use but portable so they can use it on the go for maximum productivity.
24/7 access to data
Our clients enjoy 24/7 access to their very own live portal for their property. On holiday and want to know the status of the repair you recently approved on your property? Or maybe it’s a Sunday and you want to access your latest property inspection report. Whatever the case, your live portal makes it easy to access your data at any time, or day, of the week.
With your portal you can:
See a detailed view of your property and financial information in one screen. For more detail, you can also click through to see a graph of your financial activity.
View, download and print current or previous statements, bills and invoices and other scanned documents.
View current and previous inspection reports, including the date of inspection, photos, comments and any follow up action that we suggest.
View a summary of the completed and outstanding repairs at your property. You’ll be able to see when the job was reported, who the assigned tradesperson is and view any attached images or invoices.
View tenancy details including weekly rent, what date the rent is paid to, lease agreement dates and more.
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