repairs and maintenance
Repairs and maintenance will inevitably be something you encounter as a property investor and are usually best to deal with straight away before a minor problem becomes a major problem. We use cloud-based software to record and manage jobs at your property and we’ve outlined exactly what you might expect during this process.

what does the process involve?
Maintenance is reported by your tenant
We use a trusted, cloud property management software called PropertyMe that is used by thousands of property managers across Australia; using this software, tenants are easily able to report any maintenance needed at the click of a button.
When a maintenance issue arises, tenants are instructed to log in to their tenant portal and report the issue, including as much detail as they can and including photos where possible. Once this is submitted, it is received by us immediately.
Please note – in the event of an emergency repair, we must fulfil our duty of care and have this attended to immediately, whilst letting you know what’s going on.
Maintenance is discussed with you
Once we receive a routine maintenance request from the tenant, we will get in touch with you to let you know and to obtain your instruction moving forward.
While this is happening, you will see the job on your owner portal; throughout the whole process, you will be able to see when the job is reported, which contractor it was assigned to and when the status of the job changes. Your tenants can also access this information on their portal, so nobody is ever left uninformed.
A contractor is assigned to the job
After we receive your instruction, we’ll assign the most suitable contractor to attend to the job. They will also correspond with the tenant to arrange access.
Job complete
Once the job has been completed, you’ll be able to see this via your owner portal. We’ll also arrange payment of the invoice on your behalf and copies of the invoice will be on your next monthly statement. If you’d prefer to see it before your statement is ready, you can view invoices or attached images via your owner portal at any time. You can also view a summary of completed and outstanding jobs for your property at any time via the homepage of your portal.