emergency contacts
If you ever have an emergency situation outside of normal business hours, there are certain people you can contact depending on the nature of your emergency.
For fast reference, these numbers have been listed below; you’ll also be able to find the details for our nominated emergency tradespeople listed on your lease agreement.
no power,
water or gas
water or gas

no power, water or gas
If you have no power, water or gas, it’s possible that there may be a temporary outage in your local area. You can check if this is the case by calling the numbers or visiting the links below:
Energex – 13 62 62
Origin Energy – 13 24 61
Urban Utilities – 13 23 64
Unity Water – 1300 086 489
AGL – 131 245
Please note that it is important to check for a local outage first; if a contractor is called out for an emergency repair when the issue is simply caused by a local outage, you may not be reimbursed.
severe storm damage
After a large weather event, we’ll always try and be available for any emergencies. Always try and call your property manager first, however, if we’re busy dealing with other emergencies and you cannot contact us, please take the following steps:
If there is serious injury to a person, call 000.
Call SES on 132 500.
If there are burst water pipes, turn the water off at the main source and call one of the plumbers listed below.
If there is electrical damage, turn off the power at the main source and call one of the electricians listed below.
If there is structural damage to the house, flooding or electrical problems, do not stay in the house.
emergency contacts
Street Ninety Nine office – 07 3053 9050 or 0448 792 055
Plumbing – Craig Eveleigh Plumbing – 0414 375 686
Electrical – Brendon Norris Electrical & Air – 0468 628 479
Locksmith – Homewatch Security – 0433 464 894
SES – 132 500
Emergency Services – 000
Policelink (non-urgent incidents) – 131 444
emergency repair definition
According to the RTA, any of the issues listed below are classified as an emergency repair:
• a burst water service or a serious water service leak
• a blocked or broken toilet
• a serious roof leak
• a gas leak
• a dangerous electrical fault
• flooding or serious flood damage
• serious storm, fire or impact damage
• a failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply
• a failure or breakdown of an essential service or appliance on the property for hot water, cooking or heating
• a fault or damage that makes the property unsafe or insecure
• a fault or damage likely to injure a person, damage property or unduly inconvenience a tenant
• a serious fault in a staircase, lift or other common area of the property that unduly inconveniences a tenant in gaining access to, or using, the property.
Any issues that aren’t listed above are classified as routine repairs